[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

/vote App

Why should I believe you?

if you ever want to poke and prod about my life
join the war room <3

/hug Wazza

@orangeandblack5 @Kirefitten @eevee-sama

you aren’t even an anime character

so you miss

No offense you’re 17 I am in my mid thirties and a trans guy. Zero chance that gets followed up on.

wait I just realized that you don’t know who Ami is



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like as in you haven’t made the connection

LMAO don’t tell him
let him figure it out


I am an Aspie.

Connections like that are rough for me.

if anybody narcs i’m finding a way to fly out and murder you


I come back to the thread for 2 minutes and this is the 1st post I see which is the complete opposite of what I thought.

Yes, you were showing doubts so I just wanted to tell you that you can wait in case you wanted me to do anything else. If not you can indeed just end my life lol, I’m pointless and I’ve read nothing of this game. Either way, goodnight for real it’s 6:17am here.

I’m not criticizing you or anything (I’m autistic too :upside_down_face:) I’d just been assuming you knew and I just realized that you didn’t

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mystic messenger

Math dies N3
Everyone dogpiles Ami
Ami flips scum

ami is one of the players who use this forum


oh shit I didn’t read this my b, I’m outta here

she’s poisoned, she should be dying before tomorrow

I was joking?

But yeah watch Ami shoot me and I flip not scum then she flips scum

That’d be levels of Alanis Morissette

i can’t even ita