[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Are you 100% mafia?


I don’t know, Arete hasn’t really called for your head entirely. The one who appears to want your head on a silver platter is Math. I have my concerns as well, but also still semi trust you.

What are your reads?

This cult flip really has my suspicion meter up the wall.

Aaaand welcome to my would shoot list

if you’re a villager then I would much rather have you alive then have your info confirmed, we’re at 15/28 right now (title says 16 but it’s still counting Simon) with 1 or 3 scum dead, particularly if Math’s wrong we’re not in a place where we can lose very many more villagers for any reasonable assumptions about how many wolves there are

like the reason to shoot you would be because you might be a wolf not because it’s super important to know if waifus are a thing or not

App isn’t an info lynch though,

App isn’t a villager I don’t think.

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if anyone else gon shoot do it soon unless you wanna wait until someone wakes up

anytime itas were a mistake


If we’re not in a reasonable place to make assumptions why are you freaking out

I think you misparsed my sentence

Can you rephrase your question

app is a gal chara right
i’m too lazy to check


girl characters are me/you (Ami)/sulit/Wazzalend/Mist


have you used your shot yet

I don’t think the town are scum, but we are losing this if we don’t hit more cosplayers soon. I also think we have Waifus. It’s the only way to explain 2 kills per night.

oh yeah actually that’s a good point

@MathBlade if town are scum then what’s up with the nightkills, has there just been a ton of crossfire or…?