[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Zone also said to me he knew that the factions were reversed.

I only trust the first three, everyone else that claim after that doesn’t count.

/flipless kill KyoDaz

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I think astand could be a bad guy.

I’m going to keep an eye on them.

Really straightforward with no hesitation.

how bad are we talking here?

like, a bad guy?

or a bad guy

Yeah but if Mafia knew about it they could have easily claimed it after the Arete did.
Why specifically did you choose the first 3? And not the first or first 2 or first 4?

It’s listed as “obvious stuff” for reasons, I just put what everyone think.

That’s why there is no explanation on any of them.

Which yes I can see how that is good guy.
However, a few issues.
1)Zone’s a good player
2)He could have already known all this
3)Why was he questioning if it was a reversed game or not when he gave me this.

[quote=“Surge, post:740, topic:81017, full:true”]

By this.
I’m referring to this post here!

Oh hmm.
small topic
He could have meant mentioned in the game thread. I thought he meant the game rules on this.
But yet I also said “there’s over 400 pages and I’m not reading all of it”

This one here.

im bored

someone ask me questions so they can lockscum me

This here was the first thing I said as well as a minor sarcastic remark saying like “yeah I’m not reading all this”

If you could kill anyone, who would it be?
If you could protect anyone, who would it be?
If you could make anyone your lover and share a chat with them, who would it be?

I’m going to sleep.

The post I gave was really early on in the game, where most people don’t know about “mafia” and “town” stuff yet.

This post was after the discussion.

What is your character real name and how do they look?
Who do you wish is a member of the “scum” faction?