[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I payed money to be scum that game was entire a joke

U save it. Mist is lynch for today

it’s looking like we’re leaning against lynching you today and I doubt scum would kill you at night unless they scumread you and are aiming for a crosskill

my theory about how converting kills people instead?

Which is backed up by nothing and is probably false.

I’m not going to change my vote unless @Arete says so.

who are we planning to lynch today
the faster we remove PoE the better and i have a gun

I think Mist right now


okay so mist either defends himself
or finds out what bullets taste like :eyes:

I’m kinda iffy on the Mist lynch still tbh

I’d rather go waz

we could just shoot waz and hang mist

we’ve tried twice

failed twice.

Why are you wanting to get rid of a poison heal?

yeah well i have a 44% hit chance
i hit one shot and i’ll hit another

You can’t shoot me

I yearn for true gender equality. I have no patience for one who talks about female privilege when it suits them, and then complains about someone “not being a man” when it’s convenient.

yes i fucking can


The heal’s there but I still think Mist is slightly townier than you

Vote Count

Voted Voters Votes
Boss SirDerp 1/7
Ami Zone 1/7
Mist Datbird Cloned Arete 3/7

Day ends and only ends when majority is reached

if you really wanna try me wazza i can take your head off right now