[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

it was Wazza

I want it noted for the record that I voted for an actually reasonable method


weren’t we supposed to vote overnight in our class card? confused Arete noises


if you visited him, then how is he poisoned

shouldn’t the poison be delayed by a night??

@Boss110 @Italy


so either there are framing effects or you’re converted

or starting?? I guess?? but you were townie in the early game, so

sulit where did you go

stop panicking in scumchat just because I redchecked you

playing minecraft

I am a mafia goon and am still a mafia goon

then why do I have a redcheck on you

to be clear

redcheck here means ‘a check on you as not Mafia’

even though Mafia is red

wait did I miss the redcheck earlier or are you claiming it just now?

I claimed it as soon as sulit confirmed she wasn’t town

I didn’t claim it at SoD because I was asleep :upside_down_face:

Well I think PoE on 2nd cult leader is cheese and sulit so I would go ahead and ITA if you actually redchecked

I did in fact do that

ITA will come once I’ve drawn a picture to go with it

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also my big brain theory that sulit converted Arete n1 is out the window unless this is a wild bus

@arete Can you wait a minute to ITA me? I want to type something up in case I die.

I literally can’t ITA you until I draw a picture of me doing so