[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Wait can I smack eevee with banned cards?

Where do I find meta deck

i wish they didn’t ban soul exchange
it was a pretty big player in my deck

Wait where do we play

Search “Exodia deck” and use that one.

Is it like a site

i suggest galaxy eyes if you want a meta deck

if we could I have the perfect deck

about 75% chance of a FTK

But Italy, Exodia is 100% better.

also run rank up magic: the seventh one, number 107 tachyon dragon and number C107 neo tachyon dragon if you value breathing

Is Eevee on and playing now

Where are we playing



only if you can manage your hand properly

and also evade the inevitable creeping abyss that is death without any quality monsters

Should I use Exodia deck for the memes or Blue eyes white dragon one.

Italy where the fuck do we play

pretty sure all exodia parts are limited 1 anyways

Search Dueling nexus.

Is Eevee around now or should I sleep