[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

@arete if you figure it out then respond with the 3 letters that’d come next in alphabetical order

The first 3 softs, or the first 3 hards?

Your first argument is literally useless, since if that were the case EVERYONE would have to be PARANOID of Arete, and not me.

Your second argument would be even more useless, since if I were to be the scum, I wouldn’t even know what to claim. (Since @Apprentice already told everyone that scum factions are Cosplayers and Waifus; not Town.)

If I were Town, then I would’ve revealed it by now since I have no reason to hide it.
If I were Waifu or Cosplayer, then I wouldn’t have known about Mafia and Town, and I would’ve stayed silent instead of stupidly hardclaiming as the 2nd Mafia.

Your third argument is already answered by Boss, but to iterate my claim was made during the confusion of “Are mafia the good guys?” and after it was solved, I just repeated what we have agreed on about the names.

In other words; you are lagging behind. So start reading the damn thread already instead of uselessly shading me.

My point is that since Eevee didn’t said what the rewards is App can just fake it and said that he got night vest or maybe some “secret gift”, which he didn’t. The question he asked is only going to help town which doesn’t make sense for mafia to asked something like that.


I mean “scum”

How many people competed in event 1 btw? and what did u get back as feedback. Im curious

The first three that hardclaim.

I got a D as a letter grade and eevee made fun of me for not being able to remember most of it

:eyes: well u did better than me. I got an F

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i didnt even try cause i didnt remember it and didn’t really care

did u get anything like for not submitting the work?

One of my neighbors asked me to work on it with him, which probably helped

…speaking of green class cards, @TrustworthyLiberal what’s the color of your class card?

no messages were exchanged between me and eevee regarding the event

I dont got neighbors, so it was all myself and I didnt remember like any of it

I remembered some of the questions and the fact that the questions were orange

there’s a part of me that’s vaguely curious if Apprentice has an eidetic memory or if he had it screenshotted

why screenshot the op?

i know you don’t want to out who your neighbor is

but on a scale of 1-10 how confident are you that they’re town aligned

Apprentice is a he right

If I guessed properly from what I can tell, or am just making leaps and bounds in my logic. The person i think arete has as 1 of their neighbors seems great to me

I have two neighbors

One of them has really townie posting in the neighborhood and terrible posting in the thread

the other one has kind of meh posting but he suggested that we compare notes on the OP and I figured anything he wanted to talk about was potentially good for sorting him