[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Another let down was the IC didn’t reveal at the start of day when everyone was trying to act like a lost wolf

“Guys I’m mafia, are you mafia.”
“Yeah I’m also mafia.”
“Wait so should we lynch that innocent child”

i didn’t want to bother to read arete because i planned on converting them anyways

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i was very tempted to reveal early D1

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Right after that lynch I was furious. As I was like we have two openwolfers which felt to fake as that would be too detrimental for the team and was confirmed false by the katze flip, or Alice literally lied in such a bad spot to save her ass. If she was truthful I wouldn’t have moved my vote and I think the Ici lynch could have happened. But no she doubled down

if i wasn’t also a mechanics oracle who didn’t get results if i was visited by too many people

i 100% reveal D1

Pretty sure the limit on visits to you was over the amount of players in thegame

i hate eevee

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I still don’t know what that means

Help, I cant beat 1200 in Domt you worry child.

How one does it?

I was gutreading Alice’s ‘I tried to lynch Mafia because I wanted to play scum’ thing as real but I was scared she would flip W and people would scumread me by association :eyes:

Oh yea, thats true.


i figured it’d be like

2-3 visitors = no results


I thought eevee decided to fuck with us on purpose and handled prizes differently for different people, as I believed Alice and Simon at least were telling the truth about prizes. (makes no sense to lie for two wolves).

Same as cults not being convert immine was fun trick.

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If that happened pretty sure orange would have rioted as Eevee would have lied then

So was editing players’ posts mid-game


But no I think the outcome of that was ultimately correct

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There was a bit of a hosting disagreement

we knew town was convert immune, and even though town still died on convert attempt that meant they had to DIE