[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

In hindsight, making signups to FM game relying on me breaking 3 world records wasnt very smart.

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Ya think

have you tried making someone else post it

Mods shouldn’t rely on personal relations when judging people.


Thanks for volunteering.

Do you have the signups made?

No, they are all yours.

Go get them, beast!


Have you had a chance to look at the hydra game set-up yet

And if so can I post sign-ups

sorry for bugging you

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on an additional note being in any position of power where you have to judge people or enforce rules should arguably enforce rules that they break.

It’s like when your parent tells you not to smoke but they do it anyway.


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that’s not how this works

It’s wrong but would you rather cops not enforce rules they break every now and then

welcome to NK Win Elite
@Solic and i proudly induct you into the club

what a spectacular performance
i now fully support ur campaign for champs

(i still will tactically forget to PM @orangeandblack5’s Alt for the second year in a row as a joke though, lmao)

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Yeah, like yoi cant mark your cars woth siren and emergency lights, so poloce which enforces it shouldnt have emergemcy lights either.

bad example because there’s a provision in the law that say cops are exceptions to this

ergo they aren’t breaking the rules they are enforcing

Yeah, mods can post at middle of night when enforcing rules of game too. See

I’m ready for SirMarshalot

so i second this

If you are a moderator who posts during the night you can get demoted by Xblade. Until then, you should probably enforce laws against people posting during the night even though you are breaking them.

Im ready for eevee x eevee_bot tea… wait