[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

when I get yelled at I adapt

it’s natural, bro

Why do you think do UwU

For starters, your ISO are all one-liners.
Your first post is “I’m a mafia”, but is clearly less valid since you’re not the 3rd to say that.
And… you have stated that you didn’t read the thread:

so explain your thought process

it seems very fake to me

I always post one liners UwU ?

How does that make me mafia OwO ?

I was Watching thread UwU
Thinking I was mafia OwO
Saw people claiming mafia UwU
And wanted to make sure it wasnt reaction test before claiming OwO

I was reffering to latest part of thread UwU

Unless you mean that not reading it makes me scum OwO

In that case I would ask Why you think that way UwU

usually at the start of the game I look at the thread, see if there are any inconsistencies or scumslips in posting and accuse the slipper

otherwise I random vote and see what happens

so why me and emilia specifically?

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additionally, why did you jump from A to B to “lol, actually this is antitown” so fast?

I didn’t catch up yet and others pointed out stuff, so I went to see if it’d be a decent wagon

right now it seems like you’re trying to build meta on me in case I play here again (I probably won’t)

I simply pointed it out, expel is still something that can be used well

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What stuff did someone point out about me that you found scummy UwU?

eh, i try not to overly rely on meta but it’s a bit inevitable sometimes

but im more… trying to figure out where your mind is?

“didn’t read thread lol”

“just watching lol”

like why would you watch the thread when there’s 1200 posts to read

Even if it is used well, the positive outcome doesn’t balance the negatives.

multitabling btw

so I might disappear sometime

Because I am supposedly half busy UwU?
Like What kind of reasoning is that OwO

emilia if you post one more UwU or OwO i won’t actually do anything but ill be disappointed in you

which isnt really new

@arete exile emilia if she does it



Oh my lord. Katze. I just realised.

I have post restriction now Sorry UwU