[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

i dont care about exact posts or reads from those posts. i care about pertinant mechanical information, such as how we might lynch today, or that the uninformed majority is actually called ‘mafia’

You are making good content.
I’m not denying that.
But I can’t find anything that’s Pro Town from you.

You could have just skimmed through it I am more concerned about How you didnt do it yourself after not recieving wanted response from anyone for so long

I have a question for you.

What is alignment indicative in your opinion? If you think all reads I made are from a wolf, make an argument about that, instead of making a bullshit dismissal “yeah, you did reads, it’s NAI lol and doesn’t matter”

I don’t give a slightest shit of you calling me defensive, I AM defensive, got a problem with that?

I don’t tolerate when random ass folks just go and spout complete bullshit in my face, regardless of their fucking alignment.

it would have taken longer to skim the thread than it took me to get the information as i did

Give a fucking definition then.
What load of gibberish.

Well those are extremely preserved reads made when I was running around trying to catch up as yesterday was extremely busy for me. Not to mention my D1 reads are ussaly trash.

Yeah I see why the same win con would seem weird to you since Dry faked however its the same one as Mafias with one word change so not to hard to guess.

Also me being the only town claim actually series me out but as I said last night night be better not to specify sides until we know the “Wafiu and Cosplay” Win Condition.

I can go around and call anyone not pro town despite anything they said, whatever the fuck that means.

Yeah I agree you’ve been Pro Town from what I’ve seen this game.

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These are Pro Town.
Maybe not entirely the second one, but it’s close to it.
By Pro Town i’m Referring to a “Town Slip”

What is pro fuckign town here, we only have bullshit flipless kill today.

Pro town is about stuff that affect the game.

Do you think I’m generating content to just get townread? To derail the thread (lol)? To push agenda and defend my buddies?

i mean theres the possibility that you and apprentice are evil, apprentice gave that information for towncred, and your piggybacking on it.
in this hypothetical town is the evil faction

I might agree those could be townie posts, but I’m not sure your definition of pro-town is right then.

So are you accusing me of not having villagery posts?

Pro Town =/= townslip.

Also are you inferring that you’re trying to force yourself to “townslip” as it were?

Hmm. :thinking:

If you read my ISO and couldn’t find anything villagery in it, I can only advice to read better or just shrug.
Nothing for me to even argue about in that case.

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As long as other people know I’m villagery, literally doesn’t matter.

I will at least acknowledge that I have misunderstood the meaning you tried to convey.

Right now, I feel like we should go and use the flipless lynch because

  1. It could possibly get rid of scum or at least a slanker that isn’t contributing
  2. We don’t know if the kill can simply be thrown away. It could also be forced so the President would have to kill someone which would make the argument against it pointless
  3. Eevee’s already making us deal with a bunch of weird bullcrap. If every single death and lynch is flipless, then we would be wasting time and honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised but very disappointed if this is somehow true

In an attempt to dissuade people from worrying about this line of thinking too much: It was private information in my classcard that I even entered event 1, much less won it. I could’ve cooked something up if scum but I also would’ve been perfectly safe to not say anything about it.

The day will end when the 48 hours runs out or the kill is used as said by eevee. I doubt it will hit someone random if we time it out.