[FM] Auction Mafia - Mafia wins!

solic im going for what ur going for

Prepare to be outbid then, Iā€™m using everything I have on it.

im getting a loan of 10 tokens to beat you

I think Iā€™ll be fine without taking a loan.

I have that plus an extra bonus Iā€™m not disclosing, so good luck. :wink:

Ooh, lemme see what there is.

Do I play safe and go for something thatā€™s less fancy

or do I go out and try to get something cool

I picked wallet

Itā€™s a golden ability. I donā€™t think so. Loans benefit townies more, because they are more prone to dying early.

im gonna get the ability solic

Do cast a vote. :eyes: Letā€™s not forget the real game here.

fite me noob.

17 tokens in total. im going all in

Wallet would be 3 tokens, so tough luck getting it without a true bonus that I do hold. :smile:

I mean, I may or may not already have one :smirk:

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stop trying to make me pick something else. you got no true bonus lol

I actually do lul. That is what is funny and my earlier point holds. You shouldnā€™t take protection, cause only idiots would attack town you.

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Iā€™ll put one token in it and probably get it lol


lol sure buddy im still going all in

Donā€™t waste your tokens.

no I donā€™t want solic to get that ability