[FM] Auction Mafia - Mafia wins!

I didn’t yet


Accused Votes Count
Bluestorm Gamerpoke 1/6
Solic Hjasik, Mercenary 2/6
Hjasik Wazza 1/6
Mercenary Mercenary, Simon, Maxwell, GamerPoke 4/6


Player Sponsors
Gamerpoke Solic, Meteoro, Hjasik, Simon, Merc, Wazza
Solic Gamerpoke
Simon Maxwell

Unvote merc


Obvious 4th scum

Nooo, vote yourself again. :confused:

There are still 2 gifts remember

/vote Mercenary
Body too similar

Maxwell you too.

So would it look like
Meteoro/bluestorm/merc/isaac or waz

GamerPoke, I plan to go hard for ability 5, but if you want it instead i’ll go in a different direction
Let me know

Decide my fate amonst yourselves. I already know that Solic will take advantage over me

I do not

Got it


Don’t plan, bid, you can change bids at anytime.

I already bid

I assume you want me to use my passive on GamerPoke if I die

Is anyone going for 5,6,7

I am betting on them