[FM] Auction Mafia - Mafia wins!

/vote nolynch

Confirmed, Bluestorm is scum. All we can do today is no-lynch

/vote Solic

Oh dear.

A flip is coming

Donā€™t vote no-lynch yet.

So BlueStorm + Simon. Itā€™s clear.

/Vote nolynch

H_Hjasik, seeing no other option, sacrifices himself to throw Simon into lava! As he burns to death he affirms what he has done in a display of showmanship.


Double flip inbound!


cease posting

Hjasik has died. They were:

At the beginning of each day, you get 5 tokens.
Choose one of the following gifts at the start of the game:

  • Wallet : Start with 3 extra tokens.
  • Lottery Ticket : Start with 5 free raffle tickets.
  • Golden Ticket : At the beginning of the game, one of the players that picked a Golden ticket will get a random Golden ability.
  • Credit Card : You will gain 7 tokens at the beginning of day 3.
  • PhD: Start with a random common Support/Social/Investigative ability.
  • Underworld Connections: Start with a random common Killer/Offensive/Gambling ability
  • VIP Pass : Start with a random passive ability.

Goal: Defeat the Mafia

They had the following abilities:
:first_quarter_moon_with_face: :mag: Check if two players have the same faction. 3 uses.

They had 16 tokens.

We found logs:

N2 Check simon+ gamerpoke

Bluestorm+ meteoro
Secondary scumreads:
Solic+ merc

A second flip is comingā€¦


Simon has died. They were:

Mafia tokens are shared between all members, including Special tokens. At the beginning of each day, Mafia gets 5 tokens for every living mafioso.
Choose one of the following gifts at the start of the game:

  • Wallet : Mafia will start with 3 extra tokens.
  • Lottery Ticket : Start with 5 free raffle tickets.
  • Golden Ticket : At the beginning of the game, one of the players that picked a Golden ticket will get a random Golden ability.
  • Fake ID : Start with a random common Scum ability.
  • PhD: Start with a random common Support/Social/Investigative ability.
  • Underworld Connections: Start with a random common Killer/Offensive/Gambling ability
  • VIP Pass : Start with a random passive ability.

Every night one member of the mafia can perform the factional kill. This counts as a night action, and will be seen as a ā€œKillingā€ ability to investigators.

Goal: Defeat the Town

They had the following abilities:

:sun_with_face: :skull_and_crossbones: Select a player. The next person that votes them will start to bleed and die in 2 days unless healed. Everyone in court will be notified when this ability is used (they wonā€™t know who did it). 2 uses.
:first_quarter_moon_with_face: :hearts: Heal yourself from attacks and bleeding. 2 uses.
:sun_with_face: :wine_glass: Make a player instantly lose half of their tokens, rounded down (you wonā€™t know how many they lost. If used on mafia, mafia will lose 1/(2*number of living mafia players) of their tokens.). 2 uses.
:sun_with_face: :speech_balloon: Decreases the number of votes required to lynch anyone by 1 today. 2 uses.
:first_quarter_moon_with_face: :wine_glass: :star: Select a player. They will lose all their passive abilities and they will permanently get 2 less tokens each day. 1 use.


Solic and Meteoro unvote now!


Stop posting I think hammer was reached let me check.


(I donā€™t think so)

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(Only Solic and Meteoro voted /novote)

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/unvote in case that counts

Majority would be 3, but an ability lowered it to 2.

Git warned. Donā€™t talk when we say donā€™t talk.

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