[FM] Auction Mafia - Mafia wins!

I wasn’t performing the kill.

I wanted to backup so bad to get that lynch off hippo

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I also pre-loaded the token dayvig on you, Solic.

And then you back up in mafia slot


needless to say, isaac was town

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Who would Meteoro kill?

and we faked the flip



Pocketing hippo success

I wanted to do that too

I would have won that just the same.

I could have used day ability and voted Meteoro!!!

The modkill didn’t change the outcome of the game necessarily.

which ability

Also lets appreciate some of the life lessons this game taught us:

  • Wazza taking a loan and using it on a high risk investment, then spending all game paying back their loan.
  • Maximus saving money for his future, only to die young.

If maxwell was still alive would town win?

When queuing abilities, the first person to queue has priority

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Due to Blue’s dayvig, no.

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GG. sorry for being modkilled and sorry for missing the day phase. Both put together partially threw the game (I proved Simon was maf with my invest) but on the other hand we got 6 townies killed to start the game without really learning anything.