[FM] Auction Mafia - Mafia wins!

Do not delete your posts


I saw that quickedit. :stuck_out_tongue:

Mostly this comment rubbed me wrong. I also expect more of a town Meteoro. Heā€™s lurking too much. Donā€™t you agree?

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Accused Votes Count
Meteoro Solic, BlueStorm, Maxwell 3/7
Solic Wazza, H_Hjasik, Isaac_Gonzalez 3/7

Why was i pinged Iā€™m not even in this game wtf.

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Gamer mispinged you for me.


Sorry bout that

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Iā€™ve only played a lot turbo games with Met so I dont know if they lurk much but they usually donā€™t say things like that.

/Vote Meteoro


Accused Votes Count
Meteoro Solic, BlueStorm, Maxwell, GamerPoke 4/7
Solic Wazza, H_Hjasik, Isaac_Gonzalez 3/7

/unvote Iā€™ll go sleep now and donā€™t want any quickhammers.


Celeste apparently retracted her bets near EoD, but the ability was still taken

Noted, I apologize

I havenā€™t gotten the ability to finish going through the backlog and I donā€™t want any quick hammers either so


Golden token pretty sure beats any amount of tokens

It means that someone got it anyway
And it wasnā€™t any of the three claiming to go nuts over it

Raffle ends in 12 hours. Day ends in 36 hours.

That was at night in my timezone and I have school and exams

Guys, do you know as town that lurking like this is conceding the win to scum? You are actively losing the game by saying nothing. :eyes:

Itā€™s your fault solic

Is it ā€œsolelyā€ my fault though? :thinking:
