[FM] Auction Mafia - Mafia wins!

Wasn’t 13 1-use?

That ability is pretty much useless now

fixed it

But it does

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I like this post, mainly because it made me notice that Simon didn’t had too much base on their arguments

I’m sorry I’m just really busy with my other game, school, and robotics. I just woke up and so I don’t really have time to do reads, but I do agree that meteoro seems to me acting far more jittery than our last game. I’m not sure that warents a kill, but I thought it would be useful to know that I too have noticed his strange behavior.

Wolfy vote

/vote teenier
My strange behaviour was me thinking how to reveal I know you killed nerbins

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He just retyped what Gamer said.
Even used “strange behavior”.
I’ll see if Teenier was on Marg’s wagon


Accused Votes Count
Meteoro BlueStorm, GamerPoke, H_Hjasik 3/7
Solic Wazza, Isaac_Gonzalez 3/7
TeenierTub Meteoro 1/7

He never voted once. At all.

Care to respond Tub? :smile:

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Well crap. Yeah I’m not gonna lie, I was drawing conclusions from other people’s deductions just like the last game.

I don’t have time or knowledge to make independent reports

…Were you of which faction last game?

/vote Tub

The good guy one? I think. I lost and a…

Lennie check

Do as I do
Only read the last 10 comments and judge somene amongst it

Was it VC?