[FM] Auction Mafia - Mafia wins!


Soooo…?? Can you share that information? Might help.

It was court wizard type ability, gotta check the number

Number 3

Swap two players for the day. Any day abilities used on them will instead affect the other. Can target yourself. - 3 use

That is peculiar and I don’t see big town motivation for it to bid so much on that. Totally fine with an Alice vote.

/vote Solic

Explain the vote?

It’s the same kind of feeling I’m getting here as I got about math in the speed game that just concluded. Just seems to be trying too hard to be cordial, gather information, and be helpful in an attempt to appear town.

@Solic when did you become moderator? Just noticed

Solic is also pocketing me
I am afraid

Yesterday iirc

Hohoho, good point.
Honestly? Everything on Solic spells suspicious. Pushing for town to waste their tickets, dayvigging, and more kind of specially on how they are paying attention with what I have to say and townreading me on our first interactions when they did that as scum two times before.
Also I am convoking you all to take part on the game it being the case or not, because Solic is riding it heavily. The three main wagons were being controlled by him.
/vote Solic


Accused Votes Count
Meteoro BlueStorm, Hjasik 2/7
Solic Isaac_Gonzalez, TeenierTub, Mercenary, Maxwell 4/7
Alice Solic, GamerPoke 2/7
H_Hjasik Wazza 1/7

A replacement is needed. @Livicus you backed up, interested in the slot?

not particularly yet, sorry

I usually only have time to do turbos here and there

A replacement for Alice’s slot is needed. Anyone interested please reply or pm me

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Or me. I’m the cool host. :slight_smile:


Hippolytus has replaced Alice

