[FM] Auction Mafia - Mafia wins!

you could ask a mod to change the title for you

Hi guys

I rolled ic

Also wich one of you noobs stole my golden ability

Not me. I’m innocent.

I’m too special for that

Are we able to bid on a scum ability as town btw?


/vote Marl
Ez scum


Accused Votes Count
Marluxion H_Hjasik 1/9

All my tokens are on this, fite me.

I placed all my tokens there too so if I don’t get it you are confirmed mafia reaper

I will

Take it, I’m trying to get the Revive a dead player.

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Nvm I am betting all tokens on this

Im placing 1 on that too

Back off.

No u

This is trash

@psychoneirik Can town bet on scum abilities?