You reveal as your class which proves me more than revealing as town lol
/sponsor gamer
Isaac if you won’t sponsor me you’re noob
no u
If it was reveal as town, i could still be mafia but revealing class just makes it so I cant be mafia
wait I can bleed someone but it will bleed me also
im gonna bleed bluestorm because they lie about being mason with me
Can you heal yourself from this bleed?
no and its a night ability
Max who are you investing if you get 5
Ok. I’d recommend not going for this as I already poisoned myself
I can cause a target to bleed but I will start bleeding myself and will die in 2 nights
oh 2 nights. Then maybe
/vote merc
Don’t buy invest if you’re going to die lmao
Wow lol
I may or may not die, depending on whether or not town gets ability 1
But you’re right. You can have 5.