[FM] Auction Mafia - Mafia wins!

I said I wouldn’t say it but yeet

I feel like Isaac’s fear of getting killed shows him as town actually. We’ll let RNG do its thing then. 18 tokens are set. :eyes:

don’t waste tokens im going for the redirect to themselves

its kind of the same thing

It’s not really, because

I’m done discussing this idiocy anyways.

Waste of tokens lol

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what is idiocy

Blame Isaac for riling me up. I’m getting that.

What are your thoughts?

I already told you what im going for stop wasting tokens

wait can u spread tokens out?

If fate really wants you to get the ability, then all you need is one token

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Obviously, you’re not getting that redirect if you spread it though. :smile:

That’s not how it works. The highest bid wins.

how about this. I lied about having wallet and secretly have a killing ability

I swear I was going for gambling

Well ya but it depends if other people are telling the truth

Oh then I’m happy, because you can’t take it then and I can lower my bid to 16.

lol u think im going for loan? im not trying to pay 15 tokens