[FM] Auction Mafia - Mafia wins!

Because you are mean And made Me cri

Never liking your posts again

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I’m under the line of thought that at least either alice or at least one of her accusees is scum. I’m leaning towards the latter. Nerbins had an odd line of posting while I was here but maybe solic or merc due to an intuition.

Can you elaborate on these?

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Oh wow

I see day one still going and people talking

Im happy

Maxwell,you betted on abilitys already right?
@TeenierTub come and play it’s almost night

All three of these people I’ve seen make some wasteful posts. I generally would imagine town to be effectful and have more insightful and meaningful posts.


I want to see you play with Firekitten. You’ll learn the true meaning of spam.

I’m highly impressed if you are scum.

/vote Margaret


We need a lynch and no one else is getting it.


/vote Margaret

Marg is at L-1





Hammered actually

Hammer was already reached.

: (

i didnt said i had great reads on people. just that i fairly actively read the topic. my perspective is that posting when i have nothing to add just muddies the waters and makes it harder for other people to find the information they need.

Stop posting, hammer was reached.

Margaret was lynched. They were:

At the beginning of each day, you get 5 tokens.
Choose one of the following gifts at the start of the game:

  • Wallet : Start with 3 extra tokens.
  • Lottery Ticket : Start with 5 free raffle tickets.
  • Golden Ticket : At the beginning of the game, one of the players that picked a Golden ticket will get a random Golden ability.
  • Credit Card : You will gain 7 tokens at the beginning of day 3.
  • PhD: Start with a random common Support/Social/Investigative ability.
  • Underworld Connections: Start with a random common Killer/Offensive/Gambling ability
  • VIP Pass : Start with a random passive ability.

Goal: Defeat the Mafia

They had 15 tokens

They had the following abilities:

:shield: Whenever you bid at least 1 token on an ability, you will place an extra free token on said ability.

Highest bids are being processed. People will be notified shortly if they got any new abilities on their classcards.

Highest bids

  1. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :hearts: :star: Revive a dead player. They won’t keep any tokens or abilities they had before dying. 1 use. - Highest bid: 1 Special Token
  2. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :hearts: Select a player. They will be able to use multiple day abilities tomorrow for free. 2 uses. - No bids
  3. :sun_with_face: :hearts: Swap two players for the day. Any day abilities used on them will instead affect the other. Can target yourself. - 3 uses - Highest bid: 6 Tokens
  4. :sun_with_face: :hearts: Give a player a random common ability. 2 uses. - Highest bid: 1 Token
  5. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :hearts: Heal everyone visiting you tonight from attacks and bleeding. 2 uses. - No bids
  6. :sun_with_face: :hearts: Select a player. They will be able to use multiple abilities for free for the rest of the day and the following night. 2 uses. - Highest bid: 2 Tokens
  7. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :wine_glass: Force a player to target themselves. 2 uses. - Highest bid: 1 Token TIE
  8. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :wine_glass: Redirect anyone that visits you to themselves. 1 use - Highest bid: 8Tokens TIE
  9. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :wine_glass: Occupy a player. 4 uses. - No bids
  10. :sun_with_face: :speech_balloon: Send an anonymous message to another player through the host. 3 uses. - Highest bid: 3 Tokens
  11. :sun_with_face: :mag: :star: Select an ability from the pool. At the end of the day, you will know who placed a bid there and how many tokens. 1 use. - Highest bid: 1 Token
  12. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :mag: Reveal the type and number of abilities a player uses tonight. 3 uses. - Highest bid: 5 Tokens
  13. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :mag: Select two players. You will be told which of them has more tokens. 4 uses. - No bids
  14. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :mag: Select a player. You will know which abilities they got from the pool yesterday. 2 uses. - Highest bid: 3 Tokens
  15. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :skull_and_crossbones: :star: Kill a player. Bypasses healing and death immunity. 1 use. - Highest bid: 1 Token TIE
  16. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :skull_and_crossbones: Select a player. If they have more tokens than you, you will kill them. If they have the same amount or less, you will die. 2 uses. - Highest bid: 7 Tokens
  17. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :skull_and_crossbones: If you are attacked tonight prevent the attack and both you and your attackers will start bleeding and die in one day unless healed. 2 uses. - No bids
  18. :sun_with_face: :imp: :star: Rig today’s raffle. Whoever wins will die. 1 use. - Highest bid: 2 Tokens
  19. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :imp: Make yourself or another player appear not suspicious to investigators tonight. You will also hide their visits. 3 uses. No bids
  20. :sun_with_face: :game_die: At the end of the day, all of your bids will be doubled. 1 use. - Highest bid: 5 Tokens
  21. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :game_die: You can choose tomorrow’s event. 1 use. - Highest bid: 5 Tokens
  22. :shield: You are immune to death at night once. - No bids