[FM] Auction Mafia - Mafia wins!

I got it. :smile: But I’m not publicizing my bid again you vultures!

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I think that I will be arriving home when the star comes

  • 8 tokens
  • tie


Why didn’t you revive Margaret? :eyes:

Bless RNG. Now scum can WIFOM guess it out whether I used it last night or not hehe.

Anyone claimed to get any relevant abilities?

:game_die: Today’s ability pool

:first_quarter_moon_with_face: = Night ability :sun_with_face: = Day ability
:shield: = Passive ability :star: = Golden ability
:hearts: = Support ability :wine_glass: = Offensive ability
:imp: = Scum ability :skull_and_crossbones: = Killer ability
:speech_balloon: = Social ability :mag:: = Investigative ability
:game_die: = Gambling ability
  1. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :hearts: :star: Heal up to 3 players from attacks and bleeding. Can target yourself. 1 use.
  2. :sun_with_face: :hearts: Select a player and give them 5 free tokens. 2 uses.
  3. :sun_with_face: :hearts: Give a player other than yourself 7 raffle tickets. 2 uses.
  4. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :wine_glass: :star: Occupy up to 3 players. 1 use.
  5. :sun_with_face: :speech_balloon: Select a player. They cannot be lynched today. 1 use.
  6. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :mag: Check if two players have the same faction. 3 uses.
  7. :sun_with_face: :game_die: Remove an ability from today’s ability pool. 2 uses.
  8. :sun_with_face: :skull_and_crossbones: Lose 1 special token in order to attack a player. If you don’t have special tokens this ability will have no effect. 3 uses.
  9. :sun_with_face: :skull_and_crossbones: Select a player. The next person that votes them will start to bleed and die in 2 days unless healed. Everyone in court will be notified when this ability is used (they won’t know who did it). 2 uses.
  10. :sun_with_face: :game_die: You will poison yourself and die in 1 day if not healed. This poison cannot be healed by self-healing abilities. If you are healed, both you and your healer will gain a random golden ability. (If multiple people heal you, one will be picked at random). 1 use.
  11. :sun_with_face: :game_die: At the end of the day, you will get a copy of the ability that got the highest bid. (if there is a tie you will get one at random) 1 use.
  12. :shield: For every two raffle tickets you buy you will get an extra ticket. (This only affects tickets you buy with tokens and not tickets given to you by any other means)

I don’t really like this pool. :cry:

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Me neither,atleast I can go for golden ability throught raffle

Or this. It kinda sucks, because if scum gets it, they can dictate what they want. Especially in combination with this:

Seeing the event one got 5 tokens maybe maf got both

Bite me and fight me.

What are your thoughts on yesterday?

Go for it and die then

Scummy response. :eyes:

Do you know something about this raffle the rest of us don’t?

Not liking Meteoro currently.

I have the feeling maf got the “kill the winner” and decided the event

And what brings you to that conclusion? Why not any other day?

Plus why go for this event specifically as scum? Nothing seems to stand out from it especially.

I’ll make an analysis of the bets when I get home