[FM] Auction Mafia - Mafia wins!

That’s not so tough. It was me and Maxwell last.

I just came across Geyde’s one with 7 people on.

Meteoro, so far.

Okay, so why exactly are you voting Meteor now?

Hey Blue, did you roll scum? :eyes:

@psychoneirik What is a special token

I didn’t revive Margaret as I didn’t win it, genius.

It wasn’t a tie
If Wazza claims not to have won it then the special token is one that overrides bids
I’ll see how one is gained

But you heavily hinted at winning the raffle? :thinking:

Uhh… no I never? I never actually did that?

@Sam17z is the one who won the revive, not me.

No, it’s my bad. I thought the raffle gave you a random golden ability, but it’s the special token.

Now I’m busy in debt.

I got the random golden ability by making choice. Quick question, do you have any passives/tokens.

Hmm. I’d like to know your motive for wanting to know that.

I refuse to state why. Answer the question.

Then I’m going to refuse to answer. :eyes:


Accused Votes Count
Meteoro Solic, BlueStorm 2/7

I would like to not be possibly targeted by this if scum got it, or be targeted because I could have a lot of tokens, so why should I reveal what I have?

I never said to state the AMOUNT of tokens you had, just if you have any at all.

How is that different? It is just more information to reveal the exact amount whether that is zero or not. :thinking:

Are you really making me sort through every ability to check whatever you’re getting at here?