[FM] Auction Mafia - Mafia wins!

I think solic thinks I’m joking but I’m really not because it does actually bother me and it probably bothers me as much as the Oracle thing bothers him
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/inject my join


Want to join? :slight_smile: It is also a bit of a complicated game again however. :smile:

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I actually simplified a lot of things since the previous game so its not as complicated as it used to be.

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Still for someone new, I can imagine it looks complicated. :wink:

I’m always down for another round



Just 4 more!

Yo, who removed my boy lep?!

Gonna test this once without neuts, just for science :stuck_out_tongue:

when will this be starting?

As soon as we get enough players. I can start this with at least 12 players but I’d like to wait for all 16.


wanna join?

Aw hell let’s go 3-for-3.

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wait for 16/16 plz /join


Hi, wanna join us?


Is that a yes or a no? Sorry I dont speak emoji :frowning:

I’ll see if I can translate…


My emjoi is a little rusty but it should get the point across

Translation: do you want to play mafia

Bump, just 3 more