[FM] Auction Mafia - Mafia wins!

If this is not trying to discredit your accuser, I don’t know what is.

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I have a bad feeling about solic rn

OMGUS is different.

You have given no reasons yet and how could you. You haven’t read the thread according to you. :eyes:

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Someone find the thread where everyone wrote down meme rules, like 1. always hang Memesky N1. I did a good explanation as to people not understanding OMGUS on the forum on that thread.

I can’t remember it’s name.


Yea, that’s a good town priority to have.

it is showing you that what I did is not OMGUS.

It’s this and it’s scummy.

I didn’t scumread you untill you started acting braindead. I know you are better than that.

I also know I am dead whatever, and at this point my flip is beneficial as it confirms you as scum.

Except I only did it when I know I am getting hung 100%. I am not trying to lynch you or prevent my lynch, I am guiding town to kill you tonight.

And you know this. You have played for a reasonable few months here now and I know you are aware of what I am doing, and it is clearly from a town motivation.

Therefore I am 100% certain you are scum.

When I am dead please someone vigilante Solic. If he is alive tomorrow anyone suggesting to lynch someone other than him should be conisdered lock-scum.

“I am acting braindead” to scumread you when you have given me zero reason to believe you are town. You are just trying whatever angle you can work to get out of this.

Imma stop replying to you cuz I know your scum and you know I’m town so it is a waste of both our breathe.

This is LAMIST.

Lamist isnt scumtell Its nai

Keep defending Hippo for no reason. It’s only making it more clear you are a scumteam together.

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If you are town bid high on the vigilante ability, as Mafia will definately get it to allow Solic to live.

I didnt defend him I said that lamist isnt scumtell Why you lie

Town Hippo wouldn’t spend all his apparent “remaining” time trying to shade his accuser. He’d actually read the thread and suggest a reasonable alternative. :roll_eyes: