[FM] Auction Mafia - Mafia wins!



Get your actions in or bad shit will happen. (I won’t log them muahahahahahahahaha)

Day starts at 2019-02-09T17:00:00Z

Bids are being processed. Results will be posted shortly.

  1. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :hearts: :star: Heal up to 3 players from attacks and bleeding. Can target yourself. 1 use. - Highest Bid: 1 Special Token
  2. :sun_with_face: :hearts: Select a player and give them 5 free tokens. 2 uses. - Highest Bid: 5 Tokens
  3. :sun_with_face: :hearts: Give a player other than yourself 7 raffle tickets. 2 uses. - Highest Bid: 5 Tokens
  4. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :wine_glass: :star: Occupy up to 3 players. 1 use. - Highest Bid: 1 Tokens
  5. :sun_with_face: :speech_balloon: Select a player. They cannot be lynched today. 1 use. - Highest Bid: 5 Tokens
  6. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :mag: Check if two players have the same faction. 3 uses. - Highest Bid: 8 Tokens
  7. :sun_with_face: :game_die: Remove an ability from today’s ability pool. 2 uses. - Highest Bid: 2 Tokens
  8. :sun_with_face: :skull_and_crossbones: Lose 1 special token in order to attack a player. If you don’t have special tokens this ability will have no effect. 3 uses. - Highest Bid: 6 Tokens
  9. :sun_with_face: :skull_and_crossbones: Select a player. The next person that votes them will start to bleed and die in 2 days unless healed. Everyone in court will be notified when this ability is used (they won’t know who did it). 2 uses. - Highest Bid: 5 Tokens
  10. :sun_with_face: :game_die: You will poison yourself and die in 1 day if not healed. This poison cannot be healed by self-healing abilities. If you are healed, both you and your healer will gain a random golden ability. (If multiple people heal you, one will be picked at random). 1 use. - Highest Bid: 1 Token, Tie
  11. :sun_with_face: :game_die: At the end of the day, you will get a copy of the ability that got the highest bid. (if there is a tie you will get one at random) 1 use. - Highest Bid: 5 Tokens
  12. :shield: For every two raffle tickets you buy you will get an extra ticket. (This only affects tickets you buy with tokens and not tickets given to you by any other means) - Highest Bid: 1 Token, Tie
  13. :sun_with_face: :hearts: Give a player a random common ability. 1 use - Highest Bid: 7 Tokens
  14. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :wine_glass: :star: Select a player. They will lose all their passive abilities and they will permanently get 2 less tokens each day. 1 use. - Highest Bid: 6 Tokens

Abilities are still being sent to the highest winners. Night 2 has started, please send your actions in your classcards. Reminder: you can use multiple actions by paying 2 tokens for every action after the first one.

TeenierTub was found dead last night. They were:

At the beginning of each day, you get 5 tokens.
Choose one of the following gifts at the start of the game:

  • Wallet : Start with 3 extra tokens.
  • Lottery Ticket : Start with 5 free raffle tickets.
  • Golden Ticket : At the beginning of the game, one of the players that picked a Golden ticket will get a random Golden ability.
  • Credit Card : You will gain 7 tokens at the beginning of day 3.
  • PhD: Start with a random common Support/Social/Investigative ability.
  • Underworld Connections: Start with a random common Killer/Offensive/Gambling ability
  • VIP Pass : Start with a random passive ability.

Goal: Defeat the Mafia

They had 11 tokens

They had the following abilities:
:shield: Whenever you bid at least 1 token on a gambling ability on the pool, place an extra free token. Every gambling ability you get from the pool will have 1 extra use.
:sun_with_face: :game_die: Remove an ability from today’s ability pool. 2 uses
:first_quarter_moon_with_face: :skull_and_crossbones: :star: Kill a player. Bypasses healing and death immunity. 1 use.

We found a deathnote:

We couldn’t find a logbook.

Today’s event is:

:sparkles: : Charity

Event details:

  • Players are able to sponsor other players by publicly writing /sponsor [player’s name]. You may only sponsor once and cannot change your target. Players will get 2 free tokens every time they get sponsored.
  • At random times during the day, up to five gifts will appear. Gifts have a 40% chance of having a random common ability, a 40% chance of having 5 tokens and a 20% chance of having a random Golden ability. The first person to write /claim in public will get the gift! That person can choose to open the gift or give it to someone else. Any abilities you get from gifts will be given to you immediately.
  • At the end of the day, players that didn’t get any highest bids in the pool will get a random common ability.

The first gift will appear within the next hour!

/sponsor Gamerpoke

Today’s ability pool is:

  1. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :hearts: Heal yourself and another player from attacks and bleeding. 1 use.
  2. :sun_with_face: :wine_glass: Make a player instantly lose half of their tokens, rounded down (you won’t know how many they lost. If used on mafia, mafia will lose 1/(2*number of living mafia players) of their tokens.). 2 uses.
  3. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :speech_balloon: :star: Select a player. If they are lynched tomorrow the day will not end and there will be a second lynch. 1 use.
  4. :sun_with_face: :speech_balloon: Decreases the number of votes required to lynch anyone by 1 today. 2 uses.
  5. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :mag: Check if a player is a member of the mafia. 2 uses.
  6. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :skull_and_crossbones: Kill a player, if they are Town you will kill yourself as well. 2 uses.
  7. :sun_with_face: :skull_and_crossbones: Sacrifice your life in order to kill a player in plain daylight. 1 use.
  8. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :game_die: Steal a random ability from a chosen player. It will keep the same number of remaining uses. 1 use.
  9. :sun_with_face: :game_die: :star: Remove all of your abilities. Gain 1 random common ability of each type, for a total of 8 abilities. (Passive, Support, Social, Offensive, Killer, Scum, Investigative and Gambling)

/vote BlueStorm I saw you liking that hammer. :eyes: You haven’t won yet.

6 looks gud

All of them are quite good for town. Wish we had a roll like this before.

1 Like

So @BlueStorm, why do you have special token?


Accused Votes Count
Bluestorm Solic 1/6


Player Sponsors
Gamerpoke Solic

/Sponsor Solic

1 Like

@Meteoro, did you do anything last night?


Sponsor our innocent child.

/sponsor gamer