[FM] Bastardized Trash Can - CANNED

This sux really was looking forward to this, RIP game.


/backup just incase its a troll i canā€™t tell


e sak

Your role for Margaretā€™s Bastardized Game based off the Gundam Franchise!


Doctor Berg

ā€œA highly intelligent inventor that would later engineer one of the greatest inventions of the Foundationā€™s time.ā€
You are Doctor Berg, the Romefeller Foundationā€™s Engineer.
You are aligned with the Romefeller Foundation.

You have the following abilities:
Inventor - You are able to target a player once each cycle to determine a random Gundam Mobile Suit they own. Specific Gundam Mobile Suits may appear as Unknown to you.
Deflection - If you are targeted by an ITA after Day 4, you will redirect it back to the shooter with a 30% increase in accuracy.

You win when the United Earth Sphere Alliance fulfills their win condition but, your sub-faction must also possess more members than them at time of fulfillment.

Your Gundam Mobile Suits

You started the game with the following Mobile Suit:

  • 0Z-00MS ā€œTallgeeseā€
    The first armed mobile suit and the common ancestor of most other Gundam Mobile Suits. Armed with both melee and long range weaponry, this suit is designed to be a contender of all manners of war. However, was modified to use the new suicide system that you created.
  • ITA Capability
    Accuracy: 10% Chance to hit a target player.
    Armor Piercing: Is able to bypass armor level 1.
    Reload Time: Can be fired once per day.
  • Abilities
    Self-Destruct - You may choose to suicide at any point and kill two players along with you, bypassing armor up to level 4.


To confirm youā€™ve read this message, please add this player, @Marluxion to this pm thread.

Your role for Margaretā€™s Bastardized Game based off the Gundam Franchise!


Duke Dermail

ā€œHead of the Romefeller Foundational, the background manipulator of the United Earth Sphere Alliance. Believing that only weaponry could bring about peace, he joined the fight.ā€
You are Duke Dermail, the Romefeller Foundation Leader.
You are aligned with the Romefeller Foundation.

You have the following abilities:
Gundam Warehouse You are able to access the Romefeller Foundationā€™s private resources and allocate them to other individuals. Doing so, will replace their previous Gundam Mobile Suit if they accept.
Leadership - You will know who your fellow Romefeller Foundation members are at the start of Day Three but, they will know who you are immediately.

You win when the United Earth Sphere Alliance fulfills their win condition but, your sub-faction must also possess more members than them at time of fulfillment.

Your Gundam Mobile Suits

You started the game with the following Mobile Suit:

  • 0Z-00MS ā€œTallgeese Flugelā€
  • An altered 0Z-00MS ā€œTallgeeseā€ with added wings and a number of additional thrusters. When attacked, these wings can be used as a temporary shield.
  • ITA Capability
    Accuracy: 15% Chance to hit a target player.
    Armor Piercing: Is able to bypass armor level 1.
    Reload Time: Can be fired once per day.
  • Abilities
    Movement Boost - ITAs that are directed at you have 5% less accuracy.


To confirm youā€™ve read this message, please add this player, @Marluxion to this pm thread.

Your role for Margaretā€™s Bastardized Game based off the Gundam Franchise!


Kratz Silvy

ā€œA Stardust Knight with little to no honor, after being given a Gundam Suit by the Romefeller Foundation, aligned his view with them.ā€
You are Kratz Silvy, the Romefeller Foundation Spy.
You are aligned with the Romefeller Foundation.

You have the following abilities:
Infiltration You are able to access the Colony Liberation Organizationā€™s private communications under the name ā€œDinoby Goldiā€.
Discernment You are able to target a player once during the game. If they are a member of the Colony Liberation Organization, they will secretly require 1 less vote for lynch.

You win when the United Earth Sphere Alliance fulfills their win condition but, your sub-faction must also possess more members than them at time of fulfillment.

Fake Roleclaim

You know that the following role will not appear in the game.


Rashid Kurama

ā€œHead of the Maganac Corps, fighting against the United Earth Sphere Alliance, hence with the Colony Liberation Organization.ā€
You are Rashid Kurama, the Colony Liberation Organization Ally.
You are aligned with the Colony Liberation Organization.

You win when the United Earth Sphere Alliance and all other threats to your peace have been eliminated.

Your Gundam Mobile Suits

You started the game with the following Mobile Suit:

  • 0Z-00MS ā€œTallgeeseā€
  • The first armed mobile suit and the common ancestor of most other Gundam Mobile Suits. Armed with both melee and long range weaponry, this suit is designed to be a contender of all manners of war.
  • ITA Capability
    Accuracy: 10% Chance to hit a target player.
    Armor Piercing: Is able to bypass armor level 1.
    Reload Time: Can be fired once per day.


To confirm youā€™ve read this message, please add this player, @Marluxion to this pm thread.


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Your role for Margaretā€™s Bastardized Game based off the Gundam Franchise!


Lucrezia Noin

ā€œA strong woman in the field of combat, despite hating such conflict.ā€
You are Lucrezia Noin, the United Earth Sphere Alliance Instructor.
You are aligned with the United Earth Sphere Alliance.

You have the following abilities:
Instructorā€™s Target While you are alive, any ITAs on a marked player will have a 10% higher chance of hitting.
Marking Crosshair You are able to target a player once each cycle to mark them.

You win when the Colony Liberation Organization and all other threats to your dominion have been eliminated.

Your Gundam Mobile Suits

You started the game with the following Mobile Suit:

  • 0Z-06MS ā€œLeoā€
  • A mass-produced version of the 0Z-00MS ā€œTallgeeseā€ with much easier controls. With their strong defenses, they are able to mount much different weaponry, albeit; still weaker than the 0Z-00MS ā€œTallgeeseā€.
  • ITA Capability
    Accuracy: 5% Chance to hit a target player.
    Armor Piercing: Is able to bypass armor level 1.
    Reload Time: Can be fired once per day.


To confirm youā€™ve read this message, please add this player, @Marluxion to this pm thread.

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what are u doing

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posting classcards

dont need emā€™

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we donā€™t need them either


good point

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or do we :eyes:


sniffles so your game got canned and you donā€™t want to at least save it for another time?


but but

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why didnā€™t you just make the people out and let backups replace :frowning:

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i wanted to replace in this game

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/pats Margaret there will always be another time