FM Championship Voting ;D

^ that


MS is cool

A tad pretentious at times, and games are long - but not bad, at least from my experience

1 week long day in newbie game.


I know lol

That’s why MS is better than MS.

Lmaoo its than

MS(Paint) is the best MS

I don’t see the issue with week-long days tbh

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Hi guys

I’m going on a short vacation tomorrow. Will be back Sunday, April 29.

As for the deadline for choosing a representative (or someone volunteering themselves), I am extending this by a couple of days to May 3 - if you need it.

When/if your representative is decided, that person should please either PM me on Mafia Universe or reach me on Discord: Thingyman#6075. During evenings I will quickly check messages and get them the information they need to prepare for the game.


Cool, thanks for checking in Thingyman!

I think we can comfortably conclude that the top 5 are:


Can we start the next round soon?

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Hell yeah we can



  • Marl
  • Eevee
  • Orange
  • Mole
  • Frost

0 voters

The first place will be our rep and the second will be the backup~

Do we vote for ourselves or somebody else

Also we should allow voters to be seen on this one imo


  • Marl
  • Eevee
  • Orange
  • Mole
  • Frost

0 voters

just gonna vote somebody else unless we all start voting ourselves

@Moleland @Marluxion @eevee @Frostwolf103 do you guys wanna self-vote or nah, I guess it’s up to us lol

I made my view clear.

Thanks @NightX.

No, I don’t want to self vote.

why the heck are people voting Marl when we could vote for Orange or Eevee?

Marl is a pretty good player but he needs more experience.

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