FM Championship Voting ;D

I closed mine

It sends eevee, with you and marl tied for backup.

I’m in 3 games rn :thinking:

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So uh

We did our little three-way personal vote

And we’re still tied

Let’s roll a discobot

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idfk man I’m just spooked either way

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Why the fuck everyone is keeping it at tie practice game is in signup and even nominees can enter so

@discobot 1d3

One we send Marl,
Two we send Orange
Three we send Eevee

@discobot fortune

Why me

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:crystal_ball: Outlook not so good

Would definitely rather not

Practicing the setup is good but I don’t want to have a 1:1 game to compare me to

I’m not consistent enough in tone and style for that to end well

Could do it on an alt and pray lol

@orangeandblack5 @Marluxion @eevee

I say talk it among yourself cause it seems like no one can decide lel

But Marl wonnn your poll and thats all that matters :frowning:

Actually I won that poll

This is too complicated fuck

Marl won 1st, you won 2nd and I won third, lul.

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Marl had already implied that he doesn’t feel most ready :thinking:

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3 way rock paper scissors

Everybody post “Rock” “Paper” or “Scissors” at exactly 2:47 pm EST

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Or DM me :wink: