FM Championship Voting ;D

was that a joke
I didn’t get it

Plus people would just start unvoting their not-first-place pick anyways

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Who would you prefer as your choice of Rep?

  • Eevee
  • Orange

0 voters

Who would you prefer as your choice of Rep?

  • Marl
  • Orange

0 voters

Who would you prefer as your choice of Rep?

  • Eevee
  • Marl

0 voters



Person who wins two polls is the rep

Person who wins one is the backup

What about you and Frost?

We haz no votes as is, so :octopus:

I feel bad for not voting Marl at all but I gotta self-rep in the head-to-head :cry:

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How about we take all 3 to Championship?

Or am I being offerimg too obvious idea for it to be accepted?

How I thought we need 1

1 representative, 2 backups.

That seems redundant. I don’t see either of you guys needing replacement, let alone two of them.

As things stand, based in my poll, it should be orange as the rep and eevee as back up.

That’s only like 8 votes atm

FM is like treading on unknown territory to me.


Remember the rep needs time for the actual game, so like if you don’t then well no

You can choose when your game starts and how long it is

I don’t see timing being a massive issue

I didn’t like to say it publicly, but backups can be well used in championships.

Let’s say someone screwed up and is probably gonna be early lynched. It’s better to replace out and let read be more or les “reset”, then die early im misslynch. Ofc it’s double-edged sword, cause backup will have less time to present themself nicely, but it’s still better then die to lynch early.

You are forgetting one thing the whole time.

Championships are not about winning the game, but about presenting themself in a way to get votes to go further. That’s how I see them.
Passive players or ones wich have reads on point but are not loud enough… literaly have no point in going there.

Yes, paradoxaly people like Firekitten would have more chance there, providing there wouldn’t be early lynched, but took over and lead the town.

As things stand now, It’s a tie between Eevee and Orange - but if Orange didn’t vote for Eevee, he would be going ahead of eevee :octopus:

@Queen_Alfa Mind if I /Opt Out
so we can have a poll to determine which specifically between Orange/Eevee should be the Rep and which should be the backup?

That should simplify things quite a bit.