FM Championship Voting ;D

Petition to give important people in the community titles as well as Moderators. We need some of these amazing titles down in the community.

Share the wealth!


Only for user titles. As a reward for being important in the community special titles shall be rewarded.

For example, I might have the title ‘Mistakes Were Made’ for obvious reasons.

sure why not

But can they be described as the best player if their participation is limited :thinking:

Especially when they are pretty similar to @orangeandblack5, who works tirelessly to improve FOL game balance and probably should have been our rep last year, IMO.

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You didn’t vote for me. Traitor!

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Top 10 Ani-Mom Betrayals

ngl Marl/Eevee/Frost/Mole/me is pretty much what I would have picked if I chose 5 lmao

sorry wham love you

I’m curious why you call my participation very limited. On a quick scrolling I found easly like 20 games of FoL/FM wich I plaied here in last year.

And I wasnt even counting other simlar social games, lol.

That is kinda hurting my pride of mafia player ;(

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Same btw.

That many :thinking: Let me check quickly.


Bitch how could you betray Hippo #2 like that?



A vote for Hippo 2 is a vote for one of my top 5


Btw. I just started training Marl in using MU and MU meta. If someone wants to join, pm me.

There won’t be that much time for training after the selection happens anyway.

Looks like 3 people meme voted someone in addition to their 3 votes

Or one person voted for literally everyone and just didn’t read the op at all

Or he’s a communist and he voted everyone equally. :slight_smile:

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If he was a communist he wouldn’t have voted he would have just declared himself leader.


How do you know ? :thinking:
He might voted everyone that way and after this declare himself as leader. :man_shrugging: