FM Championship Voting ;D

Or alternatively call out all of the scum and aggressively push them while everybody else does nothing because I’m “too aggressive” :stuck_out_tongue:

I still remember.


I survived that game too :stuck_out_tongue:

Damn, can we restart last 5 minutes in that game, so I will shoot you there?


Remember who shot lymphoma tho :^]

Also I’m most proud of my mountainous performance tbh

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But I didn’t have a shot… so you might have lost :stuck_out_tongue:

True that I guess.

But hey, at least I proven few times that I’m able to solo carry games.

Maxican Standoff
Psychopatic King Win

You know, I’m proud of my performance even more now :^)


I just realized the stats completely back up this statement

Compare my FM W/L to my FoL W/L

One of those is literally eevee but still

In short, Orange and Eevee are not in many games, Eevee and I have near identical win % and Rip Frost for wins, despite him playing the most.

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To be fair, I should have been told of the psycho king change since it was an event but I wasn’t :cry:

I hard carried the Corrupt faction :stuck_out_tongue:

Dude don’t even go there

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I was corrupt with you?

Like do you even remember what happened to me that game

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Yeah, that.


Also, dead not lost. I was modkilled due to host slipping so I ask we don’t count this one for me :stuck_out_tongue:

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did not deserve that at all :cry:

LOL, I converted you and survived to do so :stuck_out_tongue: - I converted you into a win

Wait why did none of us elect nuclear

Yeah but I got TK’d after pushing like all the scum

I even called Mole on it but had no choice but to accept his help lol