FM Championship Voting ;D

I hope no one cheeses the system this year. That was BS

What in particular are you referring to?

Full automated mash :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I mean for this kind of thing


The guy in the game when it was down to 3 people, mis-spelled someone’s name deliberately in a vote. The Mafia tried to hammer the vote - not seeing the deliberately mistake - and being caught out by the system rejecting the misspelled vote and mafia lost.

Lul, I still remember Amrock’s (Understoood) game, where he put 2 town arsonists and 2 town firefighters. Miller and godfather with no cops.

His games are fun, 12/10


Amrock is Understood???

Yeah, he is.

My dear student :3

How the hell did I not know this wtf

Even funnier point - I taught Understood how to play mafia xD

That explains a lot :stuck_out_tongue:

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I know it does.

None of people I I taught mafia plays normaly. Believe me.

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Of course

When you spell none of the people I was

Hey, @orangeandblack5 did you see best reaction test 2k17?


Check this out. Just do it.

Freaking smartbomb what a nerd :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t you dare talking like that about my friend!

He is actualy simlar in character to you, lol.

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Saddest anime betrayals



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