[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

In any case, this isn’t a good defence if you want to say you’re telling the truth about your role. Lies beget more lies, I’ve seen this shit on Highway Patrol.

Fair enough. I’m not going to lose because someone thinks I’d make up that entire role and then claim that there was another role in the game (which is risky enough).

  1. I already broke the gallows. I could not have stopped their lynches. That confirms the presence of someone who stops lynches (THE LAWYER)
  2. If the lawyer exists, chances are he’s against me. And I’m with town.
  3. Why would I give town the information I gave d1?

I have more but I have to leave.

@Magnus you been quiet, whose ur two biggest Townreads and two biggest scumreads and why?

No, at worst you hit a neutral with the capability of killing every evil and is forced to townside as my target
is mafia.

/vote Hippo
I’m keeping this on you until you unvote.

Just curious, what’s your wincon?

Ensuring that the lawyer’s target dies.

So basically, there’s a class name lawyer out there and one of you is scum?

As hippo would care about your vote.


I think Kyo claim is legit but I am not sure whenever he is scum or not. However if the lynch immunity things was the work of lawyer then for now I think we shouldn’t lynch Kyo

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Im really on the fence on his allignmentt cause he also didnt directly know his allignment at first which i find sus. And we have no way to know for sure that this “lawyer did any of this”

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Ooh no im terrified, the outted non-town is starting a wagon on me.

Thoughts on a Ben Shapiro lynch today?

Kai has a greencheck on them, I havent liked Bens game so far. Kai also hasnt brought much to the table either. I want more from both of them and if neither step up I’d be down for a lynch on one of them

I forgot about that.

I havent liked what I’ve seen from Kai so far either, but it seems silly to ever lynch Ben over Kai today then.

Damn im scumreading all the ppl i like playing with rip

I actually think nerbs is town now at least.

oh so u dont like playing with me, big oofers in chat, that or u just havent said u sr me

Yeah i doubt hed bus someone for free town points. Totally agree

I tr you but i dont dislike playing with you.

I think this is legit the only time ive tr you so im p confident in it.