[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Does it specify RNG or just bad luck? Because that’d mean any positive ability on you could fail.

In fact its so bad one could say I’m never lucky

And now it seems that it interprets “bad” at geyde’s discretion, rather than by strict factors

I assume you are HS character?

That might have been what caused my gallows to fail. Shame.
So Hippo is evil? He’s most likely claimvig that guessed wrong honestly.

I have no idea what you’re referring to and ask that you hold off, but that you look at my iso

Those gallows would have killed you if Derbins is town Simon. I suppose that bad luck did save you a bit. It just skipped a day and night cycle. It’s also given reason as to why my ability failed.

Ok but even then, even if you dont TR Gamer why did u want 0 pressure on him

Hm, alright then. I already found the answer

I asked him to shift it to someone else if possible. If it weren’t possible I would go with the push.
It’s just slightly inconvenient for me

Would you be willing to hang the person who just claimed a fake bullet on you then?

:thinking: is it still slightly inconveniant

Pretty sure Hippo is joking

I don’t think so.

but its slightly inconvenient, not a big deal (yall know how i can be with word choice)
so again if you push him thats fine i just that you switch to an equally plausible choice, should one exist

why was the shot fake?

Because the shot would have killed Simon if he shot him. That’s why I’m saying he’s falsely claiming a bullet on him when he’s a claimvig that tried to shoot him and guessed wrong.

i mean according to what hippo has said so far the shot was real

it just must have had a chance at failing

well until @GamerPoke or someone else Im SRing comes and defend themselves my vote will stay planted
/vote Gamerpoke

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Yeah i didnt rlly shoot i just wanted simon to claim neutral but he didnt.

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