[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Alice, Jake, Icibalus, Jake

I don’t really want GamerPoke since he seems to do it every game apparently and is NAI.
Kai’s claim is fine and BenShapiro is his greencheck.

Not really. I’ve been paying attention more for lawyer tells. Anyone who I thought could be my target I’ve confronted and they’ve given a decent enough defence.

well from what i know we have to be careful with alice
theyre a high tier player, so its very difficult to get an accurate read on them, but theyre a strong ally if town
if scum we need to lynch them basically asap before they can wreak havoc

that doesnt mean we have to support it. going after an inactive player to make the playerbase more active, even if theyre not particularly scumread, can end up being the right move sometimes, as it can mean more activity from the players that might normally lurk some, which gives us more information, which gives us better reads, which gives us better beads on scum

One thing I struggle with is reading inactives. I usually ignore them.
Hang them all this time.

what you’re looking for is a mercenary-type playstyle

you’re essentially a scorned to their mercenary, except that we cant exactly gain information on the target’s alignment from this (although we do know it from other means)

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i mean yeah, thats the benefit in theory of lurking, it makes it harder for you to be read so you are less likely to be lynched.
the plan is generally to break that idea by going after inactives

We can. Why would a town need a mercenary designated to them? My ability only can kill mafia as well. I’d see it as pretty pointless if the target wasn’t mafia.

Based only on his posts while I was at school, I would chalk Luxy up as a villager. Obviously, there’s good solving there, but what I find particularly villagery is that it does it in a way that explains my previous doubts about them. Like, reading their posts I get a better sense of some of their tonal weirdness and where it comes from, and it comes from them turning around posts in their metaphorical hands and examining them.

The problem is the whole Universal thing.

If ur not gonna scumhunt we have no reason to not kill u and eliminate poe tonight.

And i call bs on u being immune to apparently ever dying.

It’s only the first attack made on me.

thats an implication, which does give us information, but its nothing when compared to the reliability in a normal merc/scorned scenario

Does ur target know theirnur target?

I’m legitimately confused as to what Universal spews Luxy as because it either rings as convenient or implausible.

i will fite you if you make more reads of universal

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I’ve actually been assuming this whole time they do. I’m not that sure now you’ve asked.

simon i’m starting off easy and reading outed wolves is good for building up confidence

I assume u have an abil to find ur target at night or something otherwise its kinda dumb if they dont know u and u dont know them?

thats besides the point for me at this point, honestly.
yeah read universal as wolf because he is definitely gamer here.
but beyond that i am morally obligated to fight you at every step

Its just luck at that point

i believe their target was universal?
unless im misremembering