[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

They’re completely nonexistant. I thought you’d all subconciously think ‘Well he’s with law so he’s part of society, which means he’s clearly innocent’

Thats weird, because on this forum there was a gam with those two roles, with exact same wincons.

Really? I was thinking more of it like a governor.

You all are like ‘There is no way in hell he’s got that much power as town…’
I had to claim 3p that 100% sided with town. And made up extremely powerful abilities that weren’t confirmable at all unless they worked (which is like… not going to happen).


Datbird might actually be the Prosecutor I made up. He said he specifically hunts warlocks. And it’s been revealed that the Warlock is scum.

Wow, I even had plans and strategies to win. I’m so sad my Prosecutor claim got shut down by mafia. God damn it.

I said that I thought Warlocks are bad, from what i could infer from my class, but its not apart of my wincon

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Ah. Well they just tried to fireball me. Wasn’t a very pleasant experience.

yeah they seem pretty scummy since it was a claimvig, and we know the claimvig is evil alligned

Also when someone mentioned why my quotation of the fake classcard I made up when it had town and mafia in it I was like…

oh no

uhh just general reminder plz dont like stuff if ur not in game if its ongoing plz ty goodbye

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If I had to read this post in isolation to the game, I would say its sarcasm or fake as fuck.

No, I worked so hard on that Prosecutor claim that I had convinced myself I was the Prosecutor. I had everyone convinced.

Except Hippo & Alice. They caught on to my scheme.

Did you actually get notified that anticlaim hit you exactly?

No but the chances that it didnt try to take me out are minimal. Don’t know who else it would have targetted.

That’s also the reason I suspected Hippo as claimvig that tried to shoot me but failed.

I’m actually going to take a guess and say that Hippo is a gamer claimvig that tried to kill me, failed realizing I was ‘evil’ and then proceeded to vote Alice instead of me.

/vote Hippo


What did I say? Lies beget lies. I’m becoming even more wary now.