[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

But claimvig got used way after hippo claimed the shot on you.

So even if he were scum, he wouldnt know for sure you were faking yet.

Besides I think he is villagery.

No, I’m saying the bullet that shot and killed nobody was a claimvig aimed at me.

I’m actually beginning to suspect all of the gamers have claimvig abilities.

Then what was that claimvig spell that happened after.

The reason he tried to push Simon was because he thought I was most likely one of his partners and tried to get the heat off of me.

All of the gamers are lone wolves. Just a guess. Also aimed at me.

Kinda farfetched.

Everything will seem farfetched in this setup. We have to take risks or else nothing will happen.
My guess is scum all have claimvig abilities and no communication.

its vague
it definitely doesnt say that only the kill is strongman, but it could either mean that both are strongman or only copying is strongman.

and there it is folks
that explains the gallows breaking.
Thanks RNSatan

warlock is not necessarily scum. i cant explain this without revealing my role. i will say though that i am not a warlock

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Yeah there could be more than 1 warlock and one could be town alligned, but we know at least one Warlock is scum since its the claimvig

They most likely tried to bypass that Lawn ability I claimed with the strongman. So it’s someone who believed my Prosecutor claim.

:man_shrugging: I was so flip floppy on if I beleived it or not, for some time I believed and for some time I thought it seemed too good to be true. Well thats the second reaction test I fell for this game, legitmately beleived Astand had a redcheck

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Hi Sulit :wave:


sulitwall incoming

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(incoming as in I’m typing not as in I’m about to post one)

Asda customer service, how may we help you with your purchase of a wall?

I need some platypus fur

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S0 1f y0u br3ak th3 ru13s r1ght n0w and g0t pun1sh3d f0r d01ng s0, y0u w0u1d c0nt1nu3 t0 br3ak th3 ru13s b3caus3 “w311 1 a1r3ady d1d 1t 0nc3 s0 th3y can’t pun1sh m3 m0r3”?

do your abilities that you lost come back every day?