[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

do you have any thoughts ?

Yeah I can see that, that made sense to me, idk ugh something about the way hes playing just feels off in general, but maybe Im wrong.

But has Ici ever been this like boring, or not really pushing. I cant recall a game like this, so I dont really have a meta for this style of play for him. Hes been so docile, and his one of his two reads I completly disagree with. He seems to have weakly tunneled Nerbins, but thats a stretch i guess if u call it a tunnel. Idk Im waiting for more from him in general. He thinks Nerbins is a thirdparty sk, which i dont see possible at this point

what time tomorrow, day ends before noon in EST

@Icibalus what was your last town game here

the first one I can think of off the top of my head is Luigis Mansion but Im sure there is one more recent, or at least hope there is

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Ritual mafia 3


This isn’t quite right either, but it’s not in the way you’re probably thinking. It’s a mechanical thing that I happen to know. I am not unable to say it, however I am refraining for the time being. Should it become important I will out it.

Hang on, so your post restriction has you replacing both Ls and is with 1? Normally these things do one or the other, but not both. Hm.

Screw you too for town reading me over that :slight_smile:

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Tbf he made the miller claim after the godfather status was announced, so its kinda unneccessary to claim miller as scum when if ur worried about being checked u can just go gf.

If thats the case and ur town why have u given 0 shits about scum hunting. And what was the point of going on about how ur lawyer and distracting town all day. None of that is protown.

Lol why would i try kill a neutral if i was scum that makes 0 sense.

I mean at least ur scumhunting now but that logic is bad

Kyos changed his story like 5 times which hasnt helped town at all, hes almost certainly lying and his chaotic play leads me to think hes an evil neutal.

cause he was claiming a neutral that was heavily townsided?

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I was the only person to call utter bullshit on Kyo being a protown neutral, that makes me the least likely person to try day-vig him not the most likely. Wtf is that logic.

I’ve managed to bait out ~2 claimvig and confirm myself as non-scum.
I don’t see how that isn’t pro-town.

Surely the vig shooter is someone who fully believed kyo not the 1 guy who was pushing him cuz he was scum.

And why would I push a guy and also shoot him.

Literally none of your argument makes any sense and makes me think you are just OMGUSing me and ur scum.

When did u confirm urself as nonscum lol

I got claimvigged. I am not scum. It’s impossible.

We dont know u were claim viged tho do we.

Saying you are confirmed town when you arent is irrefutably scummy.