[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

DatBird is probably town

iPad is dead, bye.

Huh, weird. I never vote Poke

1 was n0t1f13d wh3n 1 10st my ab111t13s.

1 th1nk 1 sa1d th1s 1n sh0rt fus3 f0ur, but 1’m 1n k1nd 0f a w13rd p0t1t10n wh3r3 y0u d0n’t r3a11y hav3 any scum gam3s 0f m1n3 t0 g0 0ff 0f.

My fault in that case.

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luxy you do realise that kind of long rambling post is datbird’s wolf meta, right?

I won’t make any certain conclusions but it’s most certainly not villagery.

In case you’ve forgotten I haven’t played in months and therefore, I am not basing my reads on meta.

Though I swear someone said random ISOs were DatBird’s wolf meta.

superficially, yes, although the long rambling bullshit that results from them is the wolfy bit

Sweet can u make some conclusions then. I’d really appreciate it

/vote magnus

Didn’t realize we were this close to EoD

I am pretty sure on simon read and I have mech info on ici being town

How trustworthy is this info cause Icis most recent pop in where he said it was my wolf meta but then said hes not gonna make any conclusions makes me townread him 0%

Something like 8.5/10

Only because this is bastard

Really… jfc. God I do not townread him at all.

Who’s ur ideal lynch right now

Sulit but I don’t think we can get enough votes before EoD