[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

well then u can ask in ur classcard i guess

i mean i will but in general if it doesnt matter much why risk it?
if it ends up mattering ill go for one thing or another but till then ill try and be careful

If u truly beleive in you cause then why not risk it

vote magnus for cookies

Why? what makes u think they are scum?

If I truly believe it I’ll side that way when it comes down to it but I prefer to keep my options open

Them being only wagon possible wagon I see that I dont either have mech info on or hard townread

Honestly, if we’re going off zfm as a baseline for wolf Magnus this really isn’t like that

Gamer? Sulit? Maybe Maxi no ones really talked about them except like once? Kai, he has a green check but has he been really himself this game? And Ici just because honestly even with ur mech info i dont trust him

we are like the only people online and there are no guarante more will come

Well thats true but as of right now the biggest wagon we could even make is 4 which is a tie, and even then I dont really even SR Magnus that much. He hasnt done much at all, other than SR Ben


my fault I didnt realize we were this close to EoD

do you SR Magnus or are u just trying to save Ici since u have a green check and a Magnus/Simon wagon is the only way with me u and Simon to do that

Why do we think magnus ia scum?

I dont

yes I dont have any read on magnus but I am pretty sure on townread on simon and I have mech info on ici

When did u get ths info?

“Id rather not tell”

U cant tell me when? Why not