[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

“this wagon is pretty pure apart from the one not pure guy who would definitely exist on any wagon of this size”


i expect better than this hippo
randomly pulling out a hedgy wagonread isn’t your a-game


Don’t talk. Day’s over.

Accused Voters Votes
Simon BenShapiro, Kai_5, Hippolytus 3/11
Astand Jake 1/11
Icibalus MaximusPrime, Luxy, Alice 3/11
Sulit Datbird, H_Hja, Boss110, Simon, Astand 5/11
Magnus Bluestorm 1/11

Sulit has been lynched by plurality.

Sulit was…

Ben Brode

Gamer Priest

F (Passive) - If you are killed by a non-lynch method, you will strongman kill a player of your choice.

Puzzle Box of Yogg Saron (Day) - [SPELL] Cast 3 Random Spells chosen by the mod. - 1 Use
Silence (Day) - [SPELL] All healing and protection on the target will be nullified this cycle. Any passives they have will be disabled. - 1 Use

Overpowered (Night) - Duplicate all actions on target player to yourself. - 2 Uses
Purify (Night) - Roleblock a player. - 2 Uses

Rise up and defeat all of society. Also Third Party because neuts out.

Night 2 has started and will end in 24 hours.


Night has ended.

Calculating actions

image image


Night 2 has ended

Boss110 has died.


Third Party Shaman

Catch (Day) - Prevent another player from being voted or hit by ITAs. - 2 Uses
Earthquake (Day) - [SPELL] Prevent yourself from being voted for the rest of the day. - 1 Use

Defense (Night) - If target player would die tonight, you will instead take their place. They will gain a one shot tracker ability if you die as a result of this ability as well. - Infinite Uses

Make sure that all scum die at any cost.

The current setting is now The Opera


All Society ITA chance improved by 5%
All Third Party have daychat
Jojo characters do not suffer a cost for using limited use abilities this cycle

With 19 players alive, majority is 10.


I assume it was a bodyguard save, good job, Boss.

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/vote Universal

Hi @SirDerpsAlot

Hi friends

GOAT reads I made at night, adjusted for what happened:

DatBird, Hja, Boss, Simon, Hippo, Blue, Luxy, Icibalus, Nerbins, Magnus, Jake are all town (or nongamers at least).

Wolfteam: Universal, Alice, Gamerpoke/Ben Shapiro/Kai/Maxi/Derps (depending on whether Kai was bamboozled by hosts or not)


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Why am I wolfteam I just showed up

i think there’s somebody who can give people mechanic info as i got some last night. I am allowed to disclose it.

You are just in PoE.

Why weren’t you with us D1.

Also heads up, their is a lost wolf here

all public effects as a result of abilities are always true is the mechanical info