[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

hold that thought
i appear to have had something happen to me

I tried ITA ing him idk if it worked

Wait Ici the hell’s with your name

Yeah you and Dat melded together or something.

oh my god
I think i know what my ability does now

Wait what

Ici what’d you do

or not
honestly i’m just confused as to why i’m a ship now

i call hacks btw why isn’t Dat Icibird why do I have to suffer

okay so, I think that im more town aligned, but don’t really know

I mean yeah I’d think so
Gamer’s apparently have to kill Third Party also

I targeted Nerbins last night with my Strange Unidentified Ability™, so I don’t know why I’ve fused with Dat.

I think sulit’s wagon was pure btw.

Oh it was you
You’re the reason I’m targeted

Maybe? I don’t know what my ability actually does other than the fact that it seems negative enough that I want to target wolves with it.

Gee thanks for your faith in me man, I really appreciate it

Who here is a big lizzard that is hard to kill

Let’s see what happens if a society member tries to ITA.

/ITA Universal @Geyde

SCP-682, you mean?