[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

i put too much effort into my shitposts


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Maxi is scum c0nfirm3d. 3liminat3 th3m.

that’s why my post was asking you for a fucking opinion and i said i didn’t care if you made it up on the spot i just wanted a single fucking opinion

no u :sunglasses:

i am the gun holder here

nah after that Kronk post he is town in my head yeehaw :cowboy_hat_face: :cow:

im not going to lie about a read i dont have
fine you want a read?
kai is secretly a mod in league with the illuminati
there’s your read

interesting can u expand on this

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o k

well at least i got an opinion now

i will gut you if you take that seriously in any capacity

i know its not my style but im like genuinely salty right now

Well hers my gut i guess

ok but hot take: Simon is town that just asked Kai to test him.



haha not if i eviscerate you first :wink:

i actually really like the word eviscerate idk it just sounds nice

but seriously tho did you expect me to take that seriously



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i didnt but it still makes me salty that you insist on a read ive told you i dont have

ok Simon I need ur help real quick pick a number between 1 and 17



If u post Kronk, I like. Its just supply and demand

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th3r3 is n0 g0d, maxi is y0ur g0d n0w.