[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Kyo did you smoke your entire freaking lawn?!

Where are they confirmed scum?

Im using an ITA on [redacted]

Uni? Everywhere

I have 2 day abilities. One needs to be used in the previous day for the other to activate and a condition needs to be fulfilled.

He’s not ITAing Uni. He’s ITAing the other person.

I can save it for tomorrow if you want me to ITA uni today

I have a bad feeling about [Redacted] and what it can do

Everyone, should Derp do this?

If you use it, will it prove the existence of the silent ability?

We need to wipe out Derps and quickly or else they’ll become a threat.

to you because youre one of the other 3 I need?

Why did you say nothing about a hidden player that’s a threat earlier, then? You should’ve known.

I trust SCP Inquis for now over you, an SCP

I did which is why I said I had a target.

Fine, +1 point to Kyo.
Overall points for Kyo now: -146. Doesn’t really balance out

My flavor is HS-related. I need to use the first ability and in the night something needs to happen to me, then I can use my second ability in the coming day.

I just showed up today tho

@Hippolytus, what does your gladiate do?

The second one is a spell, so it gets announced during the day. I was not informed the first condition was fulfilled, though.