[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Im just a good Dr trying to contain some scps (and ig Gydebot whatever tf that is)

Ok, Alice’s answers seem pretty damn smooth and don’t contradict my info.

its eevee

So you ARE third party?

There is one way I think the debate can be settled for sure, but it involves a risk.

Derps has already said he’s the solo person in 3p.

I am a SOCIETY aligned AGAINST Derp. Kill him.

I don’t think I can kill eevee

We are ALL aligned against him. Derp is not a good thing for us.

Wincon. Now.

Kyo if you’re one of my targets just tell me and ill leave you alone for now, with any luck something else will kill you

My wincon is to defeat the gamers, but my abilities allow me to find enemies against the SCP and a night kill against enemies to SCP. And if I’m society trying to kill SCP hunters they’re evil.

But other than an ITA I can’t do anything


Does anyone’s wincon mention Gamers.

Derp is literally claiming there is an evil faction that starts with four members alongside the gamers.
Kill him off.

Remember the Illuminati?

I never said it was another faction, just that they exist in the game

Also earlier someone said they knew it was a multiball, I think.

‘Make sure all scum die at all cost’

It doesn’t specify gamers if you’re asking.
