[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

what i insisted was for you to create a read and not sit out until it’s super late into the game or someone does something really stupid


i can talk in memes all day long

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Post a meme that memes means
Long live King Magnus

thats definitely not what i was doing from what i was saying
or did you miss the part where i said that i expect the information to influence/decide my read on kai?


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0k, can w3 actually gam3s0lv3?

sure anyone feel sus to you so far?

low quality shitpost but here you go


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officer is overused :unamused:

damn this rhymes sorta if you say the emoji name out lout

I kinda sus kai right n0w. If th3y ar3 t0wn, w0udn’t th3y want t0 k33p l0w, b3caus3 0f th3 claimvig?


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It is odd, I think the could be the claim vig or alligned with them, that or they are ballsy as fuck. We should see by the EOD if someone kills them. If not they are scum or they played a good move (will explain more at EOD if hes not dead)


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much lik3 than0s, y0u will turn t0 dust if y0u d0 n0t d3sist.

ok imma play some games, @ me if u need me. If not this might be peace out for the night :v:

@DatBird y0u must n0t l3av3, y0u hav3 n0t 3at3n y3t.

did u finish ur d&d cs

honestly im just shitposting until more ppl come on or we actually have something to discuss
