[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

It’s a 90/10% chance Good:Bad

Your passive may be affecting my chances.

it may have, but thats not something you did
so you dont get to reap the beneits

what is good and what is bad
your passive is making no sense to me

A chance every what? Hour? Day? Frickin year?

Everytime I use my day ability. It’s also supposed to affect the person who I used it on as well.

So it may be the case that Simon is society who happened to have bad RNG that caused a Gamer to have his lynch prevented.

I follow none of this I’m just confused

everytime you use your day ability theres a 90% chance it will have the intended effect on the target and a 10% chance to eliminate all the votes and make those people immune?

No, it’s just a thing of good or bad things happen. It’s not a set ability. Just a 90% chance something positive happens or 10% chance something negative happens depending on who I last targetted.

So you used your day ability twice?

the negative effect which happens depends on the last target

or does each person have a set value good/bad for the next use to be, and 90% of people have a “good” value?

Nope. It happens at a random time depending on how many times it’s been used. I wouldn’t risk the fatigue.
I’m saying that my day ability may have directly affected Simon’s bad RNG causing the gallows to break, restricting society of knowing I have that ability (which is townsided) and having a chance at hanging a gamer.

My passive may have affected Simon’s bad RNG causing something negative to happen on society’s side which meant a gamer had lynch immunity. It just says that it happens randomly. Doesn’t say it must happen on the same day.

A different theory for theory A is that someone prevented my day and night ability from being used. My night ability failed last night.

It’s not a set value. It’s just decided randomly what negative and positive effect happens, same with whether or not it’s positive or negative.

okay, i think i understand

also its my badRNG which is affecting your ability/passive, not your ability affecting my badRNG

The ITA window is now open.

Oh my. This is lovely.

Ah I see. Was wondering why a 90/10 chance happened, and why it was so powerful. How bad exactly is this bad RNG? lol

    1. Ita Uni
    1. Ita [Redacted]
    1. Ita Kyo

0 voters

You wont know who votes what.