[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Oh that game is bad

i never had a greencheck

its almost as if i am not an omnimiller with a random n0 greenchecl

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We know who one of the SCP’s are, I shall not name the SCP at this time. The other two consist of a lizard that is hard to kill, and some deer thats also a god

you should have just gone with “i am not allowed to answer that question”

So Ben isnt a greencheck?

nope, i felt like claiming an omnimiller with a n0 greencheck as a meme. im not playing seriously at all rn

/vote Ben

dat what do you think about Datbirdalus being [redacted]

As long as hes alligned with society hes fine

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i will not say my actual role as i am very valuable to town ALIVE

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however i have hinted at it

So you’re aligned with town?

Why do you assume they are?

i am indeed society

Good save

Never said I did, but that isnt apart of your question.

Idc what he is, as long as hes alligned wih town. If not get rid of him all I care

Aligned with town?

Accused Voters Votes
SirDerpsALot Hippolytus, KyoDaz 2/10
DatBirdbalus SirDerpsALot 1/10
BenShapiro DatBird 1/10

I don’t know what his alignment is, but what do you think about their ability

you know what i meant, society i said it in the last post